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Confident Speaking (LEVEL 1)
Getting ready
What to expect from the course? (+ Study planner!) (2:01)
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WEEK 1 – How to talk about things you often do?
Let's start here!
Grammar Point: The Present Simple Tense (3:59)
Do this: Grammar Technique
Exercise 1: Let's apply it!
Talk about frequency of action (3:43)
Exercise 2: Let's see if you understood the lesson!
Lesson notes for you (PDF)
WEEK 2 – How to talk about your past?
Let's start here!
Grammar Point: The Past Simple Tense (6:45)
Do this: Grammar Technique
Exercise 1: Let's apply it!
Talk about past habits: "Used to" VS "Would" (2:53)
Exercise 2: Let's see if you understood the lesson!
Lesson notes for you (PDF)
WEEK 3 – How to talk about your future plans?
Let's start here!
Grammar Point: The Future Simple Tense (6:38)
Do this: Grammar Technique
Exercise 1: Let's apply it!
Other ways to talk about the future (3:27)
Exercise 2: Let's see if you understood the lesson!
Lesson notes for you (PDF)
Sharing Time!
📚 Avoiding Common Mistakes in English E-book Guide
WEEK 4 – How to talk about your experiences?
Let's start here!
Grammar Point: The Present Perfect Tense (4:44)
Do this: Grammar Technique
Exercise 1: Let's apply it!
Explaining your experiences (4:17)
Exercise 2: Let's see if you understood the lesson!
Lesson notes for you (PDF)
WEEK 5 – How to make requests and ask permission in English?
Let's start here!
Grammar Point: Modal verbs -- Can, Could, May, Would (4:45)
Do this: Grammar Technique
Exercise 1: Let's apply it!
Other ways to make requests (5:21)
Exercise 2: Let's see if you understood the lesson!
Lesson notes for you (PDF)
WEEK 6 – How to give advice and suggestions?
Let's start here!
Grammar Point: Modal verbs -- Could, Should, Ought to (3:17)
Do this: Grammar Technique
Exercise 1: Let's apply it!
Other ways to give suggestions (4:14)
Exercise 2: Let's see if you understood the lesson!
Lesson notes for you (PDF)
Sharing Time!
📖 Confusing Grammar Phrases E-book
What's next?
What to do after this course? (+ GRAMMAR TIPS) (3:47)
✨ Your Certificate ✨
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Talk about frequency of action
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